NewsSilicon Valley Bank’s failure
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has caused ripple effects around the world. Let’s see what happened.
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has caused ripple effects around the world. Let’s see what happened.
Italy introduces measures impacting non-Italian resident investors, including taxes on capital gains from the sale of unlisted shares in certain entities
Italy introduced a new Investment Management Exemption (IME). Who can benefit from it?
Embedded finance is gaining more and more popularity among not financial companies because it allows them to incorporate inside them original financial solution, like e-commerce platforms’ new payment methods and it brings multiple benefits both to end users, who will be offered greater convenience, faster transactions and savings in time and effort, and to...
What's EU's blacklist and why is Russia in it now?
According to the OECD’s new analysis, revenues from the implementation of a reform of the international tax system will be higher than what was expected.
Oil and gas prices are climbing on fears that the Ukraine-Russia crisis will disrupt supplies across the world
Esplora i canali attraverso i quali le imprese estere (comunitarie e non) possono stabilirsi e condurre la loro attività in Italia
Cosa sono, perché e come diventarlo, e soprattutto: quali sono gli obiettivi innovativi che si pongono le Società Benefit?
‘Connecting Minds and Creating the Future’ through sustainability, mobility and opportunity (image: UAE Pavilion)